Sunday, March 27, 2011


this city couldn't be what it is without a constant drip of new blood (it's the essence of a creative city), but, accordingly, the city also has to accept that sometimes existing positions need to be swapped out: thriving in the culture trade means being willing to trade your own for the betterment of culture, which in turn means accepting an occasional exodus to new york, los angeles and san francisco -- and to who knows where for the kids that decide to go nomadic. those of us who stay are immediately bitter but ultimately contented, smug in the knowledge that the new friends of our old ones still think that the grass is greener here.

staying or going, every one of us can at least take solace in the feting of each going away, and last night it so happened that an important going away was feted, which meant, in the not so talked about beginning (not so many people knew), a deeply begrudging jostling for real estate, but after that the excitement and intoxication of a sale, a series of shows and a party. black licorice made her debut. before that, paintings of horses. during all of it, kombucha cocktails and quietly guarded bottles of (individually ported) beer. portland, or: love is a place.

but then (and how to not make this sappy?), the cover band. wait, though, there was a purple and gold "optimists" jersey that came downstairs to headquarters in the fourth wave of goods. and then (but very possibly during), the cover band. whether from the lingering spirit of past performances or the end of the vodka in the kitchen, the attic smelled faintly of, well, it's the northwest. better: it's portland. the all lady cover band came on (it was kind of an all lady party, but they happen to be our favorites), and they were note for note on every fleetwood mac song they did. m(organ).c(olleen). dance it out. but "heart of gold"? and really? "fast car"? i only went downstairs to avail myself of the light in the bathroom, but the crying in the hallway during that number was unmistakable.

you are this city, lady. goodbye, portland.

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