Saturday, January 28, 2012


cicus (centro de iniciativas culturales de la universidad de sevilla) screens international films for free. who knew? that finnish girl that everyone seems to know. she tells everyone that she knows that cicus is screening a series of finnish films throughout the month of january. they are a date! and then there is a party, because the finnish girl goes home after the movie about the woman who refuses to go on strike with the other cleaning women but then loses her scab position anyway and makes pancakes (the finnish girl, not the finnish woman in the movie). communism had its "golden age" in finland during the hottest years of the cold war, but even though the party participated in a number of cabinets, it never made president or prime minister. it didn't seem to be of any help to the cleaning women fight their case after coincidence and necessity convinced the ex-scab to give her lawyer acquaintance a chance to litigate helsinki city hall. the finnish girl would need to make a party of her own. and something about pancakes. that she made them after the film. and that she realized their curative power in the depressing wake of it. or something. but everyone goes to the party because everyone seems to know her, not because she knows about pancakes. they say, however, (as they say) that the pancakes are good. the idea for the pancake party was good. the finnish girl (who also makes a swedish pancake) knows everything about pancakes, they say. she smiles when they say this, but this is mostly because she is mostly smiling. once people showed up to the party the finnish girl was thinking about going dancing -- but not about going to class, although she had learned some fun things at a contact workshop in málaga. it was funny that it's all about the butt. she wants to make jackets. what a smile. then, on the heels of the arrival to the buffet table of the swedish pancake arrives the swede. she lives downstairs. downstairs she had made a chicken curry and a thick chocolate sauce with nuts. they're for the pancakes, so she puts them on the table with her countryfood. her smile is smaller. at breakfast in the morning the tube of caviar she brought the last time doesn't leave the fridge. both she and the finnish girl need to get to dance. but it would be nice to have a walk and a sit. as naturally as a prop cigarette can be smoked over a cup of coffee the swedish girl naturally holds her prop cigarette next to her cup of coffee. after the studio she's going to go home and eat the nutella she didn't use in the chocolate sauce with a spoon, "like the italians." something passes. "it's all about the butt." big smile.