Tuesday, January 17, 2012


in the best way. in the best way. you're assured. but there hadn't been gas for days. days! (two.) and then there was the gas man. the gas man. she might have done anything for him after all those days -- and he brought the gas. the line between reasoned sophistication and intolerance might not be so fine as the one between genius and insanity, but we shouldn't deny it its reasoned sophistication. and as she explained to her audience in the kitchen (which included the man who would later be designated sex god on the kitchen chalkboard), if those nineteen year old moroccan girls were trying to throw a benefit then they were pijas. they go to the university? pijas. the division of wealth in morocco is so extreme it's incomparable. if someone has enough money to send their kids to university in spain they're fucking pijos. you're a pijo or you have nothing. nothing. there are maybe a few middle class families, including my family, in morocco. oka-y. so maybe i'm a little bit pija too, but c'mon, not really, i mean my father was a communist. both sides of the line between reasoned sophistication and intolerance are egalitarian. hija de pijo! the sex god tried (tried!) to get it out, but it doesn't really roll off the back of the throat. and whatever about the sex god. we are sex goats. MEAAHHH. the sex god had been incredulous about the flying goats, but all doubts had been put to rest by the pictures of the goats in the trees. and although the trees exist at the same latitude in mexico, the goats only fly into them in morocco. then they shit (or spit, if it eases your stomach) the stuff you need to make the delicious oil that you mix with the honey that the diabetic refused until he realized that the orange juice was all gone. sex goats. MEAAHHH. we're all sex goats here. and by then the sex god's infamy had been chalked up on the board. that didn't, however, resolve the question of whether sex gods or sex goats had the appropriate prowess to seduce a merman or maid (fucking pijos all of them). but a mermaid, that's just like a woman with one leg, right? the sex god's prowess wasn't at all promising. luckily, the gas whore was saved that ignominy. but the knocking at the door wasn't going to be the gas man at this hour. somehow those fucking goats flew their way all the way across the mediterranean.

this character sketch (and others), copyright 2012 looking good in pants, is for sale. contact our agent for expansion possibilities. and please, oh my god, don't go into too much detail about the gas whore thing because she might already be really pissed off that we wrote about it.