Monday, October 25, 2010


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we should have reported on this sooner, but with entertaining the tailor and looking for apartments in tokyo it was all too easy to fall behind last week when the internet went abuzz with the news. (plus, we had a guest for the weekend.)

really, though, we should have incepted this sooner, and -- now that i come to think of it -- it's a surprise that the hometown and headquarters of doesn't have a fleet of book bikes doing its deliveries for the portland metro, the bike-friendliest place in the country. damn.

we've got bikes for beer, bikes for coffee (only slightly different than coffee by bike), and bikes for fixing bikes, so who was it that dropped the ball on bikes for books? apparently portland isn't as innovative as it's supposed to be, and maybe it's entirely my fault on this front. then the downpour makes me second guess my self-admonition. i'd rather be reading than riding around in that to get other people their books. i'm behind in my reading as it is. a program's bound to need an administrator, though. someone at a computer...

while i'm scheming, the game is already underway in cambridge, ma. as moby lives reported friday:

With the tag line, "Buy Green. Buy Local. By Bike. A new way to get your books faster, cheaper, and greener," Harvard Bookstore announced their new two-wheeled book delivery service, appealing to the carbon-conscious readers in their area and boasting that "all in-stock orders placed for Cambridge and parts of Somerville and Allston will receive same- or next-day delivery."

outdone by harvard? harvard?!? this is what over indulgence and self-satisfaction get us, portland: trumped by the third rate. couldn't make the bikes and books connection? maybe that's why we've been so unhappy. that's a lunch meeting i'm going to have to prepare for. if you need me this afternoon, i'll be dictating a proposal to the intern.


just the facts: harvard bookstore delivering by bicycle for online orders made for cambridge and parts of somerville and allston as reported by moby lives on 10/22. portland falls behind in "bike race." no news from on unveiling a similar (same or next day) pedal powered delivery service. 'looking good in pants' author anticipates lucrative sinecure.

now, really, who wanted that? you miss that awesome picture of the guy on the track bike riding a velodrome while having an espresso and reading the paper (ahh...the good old days). it's almost as good as that one of the tour riders from the twenties using one another's cigarettes to light up. before the internet, blogs were just embellished telegrams!

i've still got my eye on you, laura miller.

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