Thursday, February 7, 2013


whee! the members of team super awesome adventure princess know how to have a good time. well, they know how to try to make sure that the people around them have a good time, so when they all get together the times are more or less pretty okay. they talk about their separate adventures, and they commiserate. (they can commiserate.) and that's what they drove through the snow to do at the new rehab tavern in newly gentrifying franklinton (oh, the pathetic ironies...!), which turned out to be a pretty good place for super awesome commiseration and almost everything else -- save and except chicken wings. the nearly toothless woman with the winning smile who went way to far to try to give me the chair that was waiting for the friend she was expecting could probably have been on the team. at the very least she was a refreshingly welcome part of the cross-section of the city that was represented that night at rehab. i had dropped a pin, and the bat pod was there in...some dozens of minutes. elvira didn't want to take our quarters, so we played pool while we waited instead. when the team was all assembled we put ourselves on display at the table on the stage in the window, to watch the snow, we'll say, or to not be able to see the televisions so well maybe. but we did move down to the floor when there was space for all of us there, and that way no one needed to be at a table on a stool. we caught up, commiserated, rehashed the old adventures we'd shared, recommiserated, rehashed, recommiserated. our relationships needed work, but who's didn't? we needed, of course, to work on ourselves within our relationships, but that's always a thing. it would be a super awesome adventure! and, of course, we knew that without having to convene the meeting, but it had been a while since we'd all gotten together to commiserate. we all felt much better about our adventuring as a result. then we checked out of rehab and went to crash a party on the other side of downtown. because it isn't a party until you chase a cupcake sandwich with a sarsaparilla that a stranger spiked for you and the straight crashees get called hipster faggots by an angry wingman. that's right, ladies and gentlemen, we always aim to please. and then we wake up and remember that we were supposed to take some time to think about the boundaries we were going to set on the date we need to show up for in an hour. gonna have to rally the team back at rehab.


  1. I want to be part of the team again!!!!!!!!!! need to commiserate with you super adventure princess....and also have a piece of cake.....

    1. everything is yours for the taking. i mean, you helped found the team. tata, tata...

  2. so I'm a kind of permanent member in absentia, alright :-)
