Saturday, November 27, 2010

HOW TO LIVE THE DREAM, part 3; or, 微妙極まる

『乙女の密告』, winner of the most recent akutagawa prize, is about kyoto, language acquisition, memory and meaning construction, and idle gossip. of course, you don't get all of that from the jacket copy, but the book just somehow shouted out to be read -- despite tepid reactions from three trusted opinions (though none of the three had read it). reading it has so far paid off: sometimes things do make sense, even if the sense they make is to aver that things don't.

"i dreamed a dream" didn't make much sense within the rest of tonight's program at the basement bar in shinjuku ni-chome where the rally was held, but also it did. it was one of the few numbers that was sung straight (so to speak), and, for all its diva camp, managed to edge its way around the overly melodramatic. those are the kind of lyrics you sing to yourself in the bathtub. and you never needed a soak more than after having to buy a plunger at a 24 hour multistory discount retailer on the edge of kabuki-cho at eleven p.m. on a saturday (and then carry it home through the throngs).

bath yourself to that song and you won't care to wonder whether the cake or the probiotics were a better placebo.

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