Wednesday, December 29, 2010


the wall street journal, which in september raged against the tide of the digital revolution (excuse the minced metaphor [ha!]) by launching a weekly stand alone book review, did not include freedom on its top ten list for 2010. laudable...although it's technically the third day's news, both in that it made the wire rounds on monday and in that today is the third day since then. it seemed so much more appropriate today, however, since rupert murdoch probably has all the gold rings. got it? just read eight white nights already. then snuggle up to someone for "a tale of winter." it might even snow tonight in portland!

it may or may not make the 'looking good in pants' top ten list (which may or may not get made), but i should finish aurorarama tonight -- provided i'm not so enraptured by the dandy vagaries of the new venice bohemians that i move too quickly on my pints of scottish holiday. i don't regret now that i put off reading valtat's english debut for so long since the week between holidays has proven to be the perfect time to read a fanciful -- yet literary -- tale of wintertime revelry and escape. it is, however, with slight begrudging that i admit to having been beaten to that observation by laura miller of, who on christmas day posted an article that included aurorarama as one of two novels "to whisk you away from the dregs of the season." our takes aren't exactly similar, but "giddy rococo instrument" does do well to describe much of the mood in aurorarama, and miller does deserve credit for her stylings there.

and there you have it: peace and goodwill -- then some snowcaine and psylicates to get the party started again. murdoch! bring me some champagne.

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